State-provided grants, loan payback programs, private loans, and scholarships can all help you pay the sometimes steep price-tag of a college education in Atlanta. Federal loans, however, are a key
Employers across the trades are beginning to experience a shortage of skilled workers in fields ranging from auto mechanics and HVAC to steam fitting and welding. Baby Boomers make up a majority of
Acupuncturists use alternative healing therapies to help patients maintain good health, and, when necessary, to treat medical problems. They are part of the largest industry in the U.S. – the heal
Allergy/Immunology Specific allergy points are targeted to help alleviate allergies and their concurrent symptoms. Asian Bodywork Therapy Involves a variety of manual
Acupuncture Career Statistics
Acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years. 1993 estimates by the Food and Drug Administration indicate that Americans made 12 million visits to acupuncture practitioner